Notice is hereby given that Toquaht Forestry Limited Partnership, licensee for Forest Licence (FL) A19234, will make a draft Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) available for public viewing and comment. This FSP has been developed under the Forest and Range Practices Act and the Forest Planning and Practices Regulation.
Forest Licence A19234 is located at the north west corner of Barkley Sound and encompasses the Toquaht River watershed as well as lands surrounding Pipestem Inlet and Cataract Lake.
A FSP sets the legal requirements for how forestry activities in the Forest Licence will be carried out and how Provincial legislative objectives and regulations will be met through results and strategies designed for the maintenance and protection of non-timber resources in the tenure area. All harvesting activities within the Forest Licence will be subject to the FSP. The term of the FSP is five years.
The plan is available for review prior to the determination of the District Manager of the South Island Natural Resources District and can be made available to interested parties by email. The plan will also be made available during regular business hours at the Toquaht Forestry Limited Partnership Office at 1971 Peninsula Road, Ucluelet, B.C. from November 22, 2023 to January 3, 2024. To request a copy of the FSP please contact Brian Smart at Econ Consulting Ltd. 250-337-5588 or email to Additional information related to the Forest Licence may be provided upon request.
Comments on the plan must be received in writing by January 5, 2024 at the following address: Econ Consulting Ltd., 2-8268 Island Hwy, Black Creek, BC, V9J 1H6, attn: Brian Smart, RPF, or by email to Please note that comments that do not directly bear upon the plan itself will be forwarded to the District Manager but may be outside of the jurisdiction of the licensee to address.