Pursuant to section 40 of the Community Charter, the District of Tofino gives notice of its intention to close to traffic that portion of the highway known as Mackenzie Beach Road, dedicated as highway by Plan 21657, measuring approximately 329.6 square metres and shown outlined in bold and identified as “PART ROAD PLAN 21657” on the preliminary reference plan EPP130919 below, and to remove the dedication of that portion as highway.
The proposed highway closure and dedication removal would be accomplished by the adoption of District of Tofino Road Closure and Disposal BylawNo. 1332, 2023 (the “proposed Bylaw”). Council will consider adopting the proposed Bylaw at its Regular Council Meeting at the District of Tofino Municipal Hall, Box 9 at 121 – Third Street, Tofino, B.C., V0R 2Z0, on Tuesday, October 10, 2023 at 4:30 PM. Persons who consider they are affected by the proposed Bylaw may make representations to Council by delivering a written submission to the Manager of Legislative Services by 4:00 PM on that date. Council does not intend to hear from the public other than by receiving written submissions.
A copy of the proposed Bylaw will be available for viewing at the District Office, Box 9 at 121 – Third Street, from September 27, 2023 to October 10, 2023 during the District’s regular business hours of 9 AM to 1 PM Mondays to Friday, except holidays.
The District of Tofino further gives notice, pursuant to section 26 of the Community Charter, of its intention to dispose of the closed portion of highway to Mackenzie Beach Resorts Ltd. The closed portion of highway will be transferred to the purchaser for consolidation with the purchaser’s adjacent lands, and in exchange the purchaser will dedicate as road those 168.4 square metre and 483.1 square metre portions shown as “ROAD” on the preliminary version of Reference Plan EPP130920.
This notice is hereby signed by acting CAO, April Froment on behalf of the Corporate Officer.
Preliminary Plan EPP130919
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Preliminary Plan EPP130920
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Acting CAO, April Froment