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Summer student grants

In regards to the recent news about the federal government's cutbacks to the much needed summer student grant programs, which affects visitor centres, non-profit societies, and ultimately employable students, I feel it is time for the federal Conservative government to do a review of its foreign versus its domestic policies. It seems every other day the Conservative

government is grandstanding on the world stage, doling out our tax dollars in the multiple millions: $250 million to Ukraine (plus costs associated with six fighter jets), $500 million to the Middle East, Korea, South America, etc. And yet at home there are cutbacks that hurt Canadians: cuts to environmental protection, National Parks infrastructure repair and upkeep, and local municipal grants, to name just a few.

It's not that I don't support good works abroad, but generosity should be shared

first and foremost to Canadians who are in need as well.

The summer student grants program is one of very few federal programs that actually trickles down to and benefits the local level. The Harper government needs to remember where the money they give away comes from. Canadians pay taxes to make Canada strong, NOT to make leaders look good.

Pieter Timmermans

Ucluelet, BC

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