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Public Notice: Temporary Use Permit

Pursuant to Section 494 of the Local Government Act, public notice is hereby given that the District of Ucluelet will consider two Temporary Use Permits at a regular meeting of Council held at the Ucluelet Community Centre, located at 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C., on April 26, 2022, commencing at 4:00 p.m.

Pursuant to Section 494 of the Local Government Act, public notice is hereby given that the District of Ucluelet will consider two Temporary Use Permits at a regular meeting of Council held at the Ucluelet Community Centre, located at 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C., on April 26, 2022, commencing at 4:00 p.m.

Temporary Use Permit No. TUP21-19

Applicant: Far West Distributors Ltd. Location: 2066 Peninsula Road. Legal Description: PID 002107333, Lot E, Plan VIP42747, District Lot 284, Clayoquot Land District.

Purpose: In general terms, the purpose of this application is to allow one seasonal RV camping space for local workers to the rear of the FarWest Foods building for a period of 3 years.

Map 1

Temporary Use Permit No. TUP22-01

Applicant: Minato Development Corp. Location: 221 Minato Road. Legal Description: PID 026487764, Lot B, Plan VIP79908, District Lot 286&471&472&473, Clayoquot Land District.

Purpose: In general terms, the purpose of this application is to allow the storage of boats, recreational vehicles, trailers, and other mobile items in a 1.5 acre area (indicated in the map below) of the subject property for a period of 3 years.

Map 2

Anyone who believes application will affect their interests may make a written submission and/or will be given an opportunity to be heard at the Council meeting as follows:

Participate by Written Submission: All written submissions must include your name and street address. Any submissions dropped-off or mailed to the District office, must be received before the start of the Council Meeting. Written submissions are considered part of the public record pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Drop-off at the District Office:

200 Main Street

Ucluelet B.C.

(there is a drop-box on site)


District of Ucluelet

P.O. Box 999

Ucluelet B.C. VOR 3A0


Attend the Council Meeting in-person or by Zoom:

Attend In-person

Ucluelet Community Centre,

500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C.

If you plan to attend in-person, we ask that you follow all current Provincial Health guidelines and protocols. Seating is limited and COVID-19 protocols are in effect.

Attend via Zoom


Attend via Telephone through Zoom

One tap mobile: +17789072071,,85060065022#

Telephone: +1 778 907 2071

Webinar ID: 850 6006 5022 ID not required

International numbers available at:

For more information about how to participate via Zoom visit or contact the Corporate Services Department at 250-726-7744 or Council Meetings are also live streamed on the District of Ucluelet’s YouTube Channel.

Review the application: The application, permit and other relevant materials may be inspected at the District of Ucluelet office at 200 Main Street from the date of this notice, until the Council Meeting, between regular office hours. COVID-19 protocols apply.

Questions?: Contact the District of Ucluelet’s Planning Department at 250-726-7744 or

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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