The Wickaninnish Inn Pro-Am is gearing up to once again raise funds for Ucluelet Secondary School's extra-curricular student activities.
The tournament, set for Friday, September 5, will be attended by 35 club professionals from the Island and the mainland as well as an estimated 100 additional golfers. It frequently sells out quickly due to its popularity, said organizer Keith Gibson of the Long Beach Golf Course.
"Each year we look forward to the Wickaninnish Inn Pro-Am as our premier tournament, and as the venue that gives back the most to our community. As a past supporter or potential new supporter of the Wickaninnish Inn Pro-Am we are again asking for your support," said Gibson.
Proceeds from the Wick Inn Pro-Am go directly to the local high school in support of their extracurricular activities. The funds allow the sports and academic teams to buy supplies and arrange transportation for competitions and field trips, Gibson said.
"Without this money these students would not be able to compete in sporting events or other competitions, as the government funding for these purposes is virtually non-existent."
Last year, the Wick Inn Pro-Am raised over $20,000 in support of the local high school. In the last 10 years, over $110,000 has been raised for this specific cause.
"This tournament is by far the single greatest benefactor of the school and its extra-curricular programs, and continues to grow," he said.
The event is seeking $200 dollar "hole" sponsors.
"The bottom line is this: the more sponsors we get the more money we can give to the kids at the school," Gibson said.
He can be reached at 250 725 3332.