At a recent meeting of the Royal Canadian Legion #65 Ladies' Auxiliary, Jacquie Hansen was presented with her 50-year membership pin by President Judi MacLeod.
Hansen has been an active member over her 50 years serving on a variety of positions and committees through that time: President, Past President, Secretary/Treasurer, Catering and Bingo to name a few.
She was also instrumental in organizing many of the annual Hallowe'en Dances and Christmas parties as well as attending conventions and other Legion events around the province.
She still serves the branch as Membership Chairman.
The Ladies' Auxiliary (LA) is open to women in the community who, like Hansen, support the aims and objects of the Royal Canadian Legion by providing financial and/or volunteer support.
All of the fundraising, through catering, bingo and other events, not only helps to support the Legion programs but goes back into the local community through donations. Our mission is to serve veterans (including those currently serving in the military and RCMP members) and their families, to promote remembrance and to serve our communities and our country. If you are interested in joining the Tofino branch of the RCL LA please contact Judi MacLeod at 250-725-3782 for more information.
Jeanette Martinolich is part of the Royal Canadian Legion #65 Ladies' Auxiliary.