I moved to Ucluelet in late 1970's and worked for a logging company, MB. When the forest industry downsized, I formed 2 forest companies operating for 10 years with 20-plus employees.
My wife, Laurel, nurses in the Northwest Territories and our kids live in Victoria. As mayor for the last 3 years I operated on a "Let's get it done" agenda.
If re-elected the agenda will not change but, because of the foundations council and staff laid, the projects will be much easier.
The mayor is a specific leadership role and I take that job very seriously.
Council represents the community and spends taxpayers' money so we had better put our best foot forward and invest wisely.
As council we engaged community through revamped Official Plan, Economic Development Strategy and Harbour Plan.
We then established a Planning, Finance, Economic Development and Human Resources Committee with a different council member as chair.
This has allowed us to systematically advance our development goals and be proactive in finding and exploiting new opportunities.
Through some tough choices we have dealt with the past and moved forward with many new projects, for example: boat launch, signage, new District website, new accounting system, community forest.
With major investments in fisheries, tourist visits up 20% and new businesses opening, my goal for the next 4 years is full speed ahead.