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The West Coast Sort’nGo Launch is Right Around the Corner!

Sort’nGo roadside organics collection is heading to Tofino, Ucluelet and some surrounding west coast communities. That means 43 per cent of what we’ve been sending to the landfill can now be composted. Organics collection is an important step to long-term waste reduction in our community.
Sort’nGo carts are scheduled for delivery later in November and residents can start rolling out their new carts during the official launch when new schedules will take effect.

Sort’nGo roadside organics collection is heading to Tofino, Ucluelet and some surrounding west coast communities. That means 43 per cent of what we’ve been sending to the landfill can now be composted. Organics collection is an important step to long-term waste reduction in our community.

As part of the new service, residents will receive three new carts later this month for collecting organics (food/yard waste), recycling and garbage. Carts will be delivered along with additional information material about sorting, cart placement and more.

Sort’nGo Cart Tips

Once you receive your new carts, here’s what you need to know:

No Overflow: Recyclables must be loose in the blue carts with all materials inside

Food/Yard Waste: Food scraps including meat, bones, dairy and greases, soiled papers, tissues, pizza boxes and yard waste (grass clippings, tree trimmings) are accepted in green carts

Lining Green Carts: Liners aren’t required but paper bags and newspapers are allowed

No Compostable Plastic Bags: Even those marked as compostable can’t be used in green carts as they don’t break down the same way, over the same time, and can contaminate the final compost product

Minimizing Wildlife Interactions: The new organics and garbage carts come with certified bear-resistant locks. On collection day – Once carts are at the roadside, unclip locks from lids and hook ends together to avoid cart damage during pickups.

Set Out Times: To avoid wildlife interactions, DO NOT SET OUT CARTS THE NIGHT BEFORE. Carts should be set out at the roadside no earlier than 5 a.m. – and before 8 a.m. to ensure you don’t miss the truck. Get more details on cart storage in our YouTube video:

Don’t Forget: To find out what disposal items go in what cart – please download the free Sort’nGo app where you can use the Waste Wizard to search if an item should be trashed, recycled, composted or disposed of another way – sign up for collection day reminders and check collection schedules.

For more tips on what goes in and what stays out of the new carts visit

The Sort’nGo Schedule

Please continue to follow your current waste schedule for recycling and garbage with existing collection bins. Sort’nGo carts are scheduled for delivery later in November and residents can start rolling out their new carts during the official launch when the following schedules will take effect:

Ucluelet/hitac̓u – Sort’nGo Collection Schedule:

● Organics Pickup — weekly, Mondays

● Recycling (Wednesdays)/Garbage (Thursdays) – alternating weeks

Tofino/Esowista & Ty-Histanis – Sort’nGo Collection Schedule:

● Organics pickup — weekly, Tuesdays

● Recycling (Wednesdays)/Garbage (Thursdays) – alternating weeks


You ask and we answer – below are a few of the most asked questions about the upcoming service:

Is this a residential service only? Yes, this service is for single-family homes (four units or less). This includes homes that serve as vacation rentals. The ACRD’s goal is to include multi-family units and businesses in organics collection in future project phases.

Will we still be able to use cart tags? The cart tags will not be available when the new service launches. Homeowners who require additional capacity for organics or garbage will be able to request larger carts for an additional service fee and adjusted annual fee.

What happens if I don’t properly sort my waste? The Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD)has introduced a new bylaw (No. R1036) to ensure sorting requirements are being met. We’re focusing on how education – how to sort and what to sort, but having bylaws means homes with repeated infractions may be subject to missed collections or fines.

What if I already compost at home? We still encourage backyard composting but with organics curbside collection you’ll be able to dispose of items that are unsuitable for backyard systems like meat, fish, poultry, bones and dairy. As well, yard waste like branches will be accepted in the new green organics carts.

Can’t find an answer to your question? Visit our webpage FAQs, or leave your own question on our page and a member of our team will follow up:

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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