Over the last month, British Columbians have been physically distancing and watching the pandemic unfold around the world. Some people have been following the news about COVID-19, while others are trying to maintain a daily routine as much as possible. The resilience of families on the West Coast has been built through years of watching and caring for loved ones with mental illness.
But even with resilience the BC Schizophrenia Society (BCSS) understands that caring for someone with schizophrenia and other serious mental illness doesn’t end. In addition to worrying about the pandemic, families continue to require support and education as they navigate through the system.
Because of this, BCSS staff have been working hard to adapt programs and services so that families and caregivers can still get the help they need. As always, BCSS continues to provide education, information, advocacy and support.
FURTHER READING: New programs fill gaps in care for families living with schizophrenia
Remote support for families
Vancouver Island Regional Educators are providing the Strengthening Families Together education online. Teleconferencing technology is being used to continue Family Support Group meetings.
Through it all, be assured that BCSS Regional Educators will continue to provide one-on-one family education and support via phone and email. As BCSS continues to adapt its programs and services, this space will help keep families up-to-date on what is available in their regions. Here in the Alberni Clayoquot Regional District BCSS is committed to direct support, advocacy and critical information for families.
If you require one-on-one support, are interested in getting connected to a family support group, or want to take an education course, please reach out and connect with a local Regional Educator. Melissa Trowbridge serves the entire ACRD and may be reached by phone at
Bust a Schizophrenia Myth Contest
You can win a $150 Amazon gift card and raise awareness for mental illness! Choose a schizophrenia myth from the list at bcss.org/BustAMythBC, record yourself busting the myth, and share it to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #schizophreniafacts #BustAMythBC and #SmashStigma. Don’t have social media? You are invited to email your submission to info@bcss.org, and can even choose to remain anonymous. Contest closes June 30.