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Tides overtake sprawling sand sculpture mural near Tofino, exactly as artist planned

Tides overtake sprawling sand sculpture mural near Tofino, exactly as artist planned

Land-artist with international acclaim and world record keeps returning to B.C. beaches
‘It kind of makes my heart sing:’ Advocate welcomes federal single-use plastics ban

‘It kind of makes my heart sing:’ Advocate welcomes federal single-use plastics ban

Squamish marine scientist who took the lead on plastic bag ban is excited for change
UBC PhD student takes to trans-national waters to study jellyfish bloom mischief

UBC PhD student takes to trans-national waters to study jellyfish bloom mischief

Indigenous oceanographer will show her year-and-a-half journey on social media
13 B.C. projects set to build playgrounds, recreation areas with thousands of recycled tires

13 B.C. projects set to build playgrounds, recreation areas with thousands of recycled tires

TSBC contributes over $270,000 for the grant recipients’ infrastructure upgrades
Advocates want more consistency in B.C.’s extended care visitation policies post-pandemic

Advocates want more consistency in B.C.’s extended care visitation policies post-pandemic

Constantly shifting rules around essential visitors hard on people’s mental health
B.C. well behind homebuilding pace needed to make housing affordable: CMHC

B.C. well behind homebuilding pace needed to make housing affordable: CMHC

Housing report shows governments taking the shortage seriously: industry expert
‘To Margaret from Johnny’: Aldergrove man finds mystery photo in his attic

‘To Margaret from Johnny’: Aldergrove man finds mystery photo in his attic

Local mystery adds to uptick in unsolved documents, says museum president
VIDEO: B.C. woman flies to Alberta to avoid lengthy wait times at passport office

VIDEO: B.C. woman flies to Alberta to avoid lengthy wait times at passport office

Many eager travellers are getting frustrated with lengthy delays to replace or update passport
If you can’t stand the heat: Tips to stay cool in B.C.’s first heat wave of the summer

If you can’t stand the heat: Tips to stay cool in B.C.’s first heat wave of the summer

Temperatures expected to top 30 C this weekend in many parts of B.C.
VIDEO: Vancouver Island painter makes classic oil paintings to celebrate pets

VIDEO: Vancouver Island painter makes classic oil paintings to celebrate pets

Artist Zann Hemphill offers tips to take the best possible photo of your animal friend