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Meet your maker

Is it local? Not that long ago our food system was based on a relationship with the land and local farmers, if you could not grow it or trade it you most likely had never tried it. Our access to a diverse market of food has grown exponentially in the past 50 years but reconnecting with local food is growing in popularity. You can find local foods at your grocery store, market or by visiting a local farm.

Getting to know who grows your food can be a rewarding experience; lucky for us, avenues to access great local products are increasing. Driving down a rural road to track down a farmer may not be your idea of grocery shopping, while for other people connecting with all levels of the food system brings great joy. Sitting down to a meal together has actually been scientifically linked to child and family health, it's a great opportunity to teach and learn from each other. Knowing where your food came from builds another important link with in your community. No matter the time and resources you have or want to invest, getting to know who is growing your food helps to build community, support our neighbours and most importantly, eat well! This Friday February 21st join us from 1pm to 4 pm at the Ucluelet Community Centre to `Meet your Maker` with local farmers from the Alberni Valley, in partnership with the Ucluelet Chamber of Commerce, Clayoquot Biosphere Trust and Port Alberni Transition Towns.