Zoning Amendment Bylaws & Development Variance Permits
Pursuant to Section 464, 466, and 499 of the Local Government Act, notice is hereby given that Public Hearings will be held during the December 10, 2024, Regular Council Meeting, which commences at 4:00 PM. This Regular Council Meeting will be held both in-person in the George Fraser Community Room in the Ucluelet Community Centre, located at 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C. and electronically via the Zoom platform. The Public Hearings are being held to allowCouncil to receive public input on District of Ucluelet Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1355 and associated Development Variance Permit (DVP) 24-04, as well as District of Ucluelet Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1356, 2024, and associated DVP 24-08.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1355, 2024 & Development Variance Permit 24-04
Application Numbers: RZ24-09 and DVP24-04
Applicants: Go Cabin Vacation Property Management Inc.
Location: 1082 Peninsula Road
Legal Description: Lot 2, Plan EPP117265, Section 21, Clayoquot Land District
Summary: The zoning amendment bylaw and DVP application is to facilitate a 3-lot subdivision of the subject property and subsequent stratification of 13 existing resort condominiums.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1355: The purpose of this proposed Bylaw, in general terms, is to amend District of Ucluelet Zoning Bylaw No. 1160, 2013, to allow a minimum lot size of 680m² for the subject property, whereas the Zoning Bylaw requires a minimum lot size of 1000m².
DVP24-04: The purpose of this proposed DVP, in general terms, is to vary the District of Ucluelet Zoning Bylaw No. 1160, 2013 to permit:
- a minimum front yard setback for a proposed Resort Condo cabin of 2m, whereas 6m is required;
- a minimum front yard setback for an existing accessory building of 1m, whereas 6m is required; and
- a minimum exterior side yard setback for an existing accessory building of 2.5m, whereas 6m is required.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1356, 2024 & Development Variance Permit 24-08
Application Numbers: RZ24-11 and DVP24-08
Applicants: Ann Kim and Helen Cho
Location: 1768 Peninsula Road
Legal Description: Lot 6, Plan VIP5190, District Lot 282, Clayoquot Land District
Summary: The zoning amendment bylaw, DVP, and minor sitework would bring existing legally non-conforming site characteristics into compliance with current bylaws to facilitate an application for the site to be subdivided into two land parcels.
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1356: The purpose of this proposed Bylaw, in general terms, is to amend District of Ucluelet Zoning Bylaw No. 1160, 2013, to:
- change the designation of the northeastern most 501.6m2 of the subject property from CS-2 Service Commercial to CS-1 Village Square Commercial zoning;
- decrease the lot frontage minimum and lot size minimum; and
- define the number of allowable Resort Condo units to be 1 or 2 units.
DVP24-08: The purpose of this proposed DVP, in general terms, is to vary the District of Ucluelet Zoning Bylaw No. 1160, 2013 to permit:
- a minimum interior side yard setback of 0m for an existing building, whereas 1.5m is required;
- 5 parking spaces, whereas 8 spaces are required;
- a parking aisle width of 6.3m, whereas 7.5m is required; and
- narrower landscaping widths and heights than is required.
Anyone who believes these Bylaws or DVPs would affect their interests may make a written submission and will be given an opportunity to be heard at the Public Hearing as follows:
Participate by written submission:
All written submissions must include your name and street address and should reference the application number in the subject line. Any submission dropped-off at the District Office or mailed must be received by 4:00 pm on the day of the Public Hearing. Written submissions are considered part of the public record pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Drop-off at the District Office 200 Main Street, Ucluelet B.C.
Drop-off at the Public Hearing
George Fraser Community Room, Ucluelet Community Centre, 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C.
District of Ucluelet
P.O. Box 999
Ucluelet B.C.
V0R 3A0
Email: communityinput@ucluelet.ca
Participate in-person, by Zoom, or telephone:
Participate in-person
George Fraser Community Room in the Ucluelet Community Centre, 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C.
Participate by Zoom or telephone
Information about participating electronically, including Zoom login details, is available at Ucluelet.ca/CouncilMeetings and Ucluelet.ca/PublicHearings. Council Meetings are also live streamed on the District of Ucluelet’s YouTube Channel.
For more information contact the Corporate Service Department at 250-726-7744.
Review related materials:
Copies of the proposed Bylaws, DVPs, and the public hearing information packages may be inspected at the District of Ucluelet Office, 200 Main Street, Ucluelet B.C., during regular business hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., excluding statutory holidays) and online at Ucluelet.ca/PublicHearings.
Questions? Contact the District of Ucluelet Planning Department at 250-726-7744 or planning@ucluelet.ca.
Privacy disclaimer
Public Hearings are webcast live and a recording is available on the District’s YouTube channel. Correspondence you submit, including name and address, will form part of the public record, and will be published on the District’s website or read into the record. The District considers your name and address relevant to this matter and will disclose this personal information as it informs Council’s consideration of your opinion in relation to the subject property. However, your phone number and email address will not be disclosed. Personal information is collected by the District under the authority of s. 26 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the purpose of administering the Public Hearing. Please direct any questions about personal information to District’s Privacy Officer by telephone: (250) 726-7744, email: jrotenberg@ucluelet.ca, or mail: P.O. Box 999, Ucluelet, BC, V0R 3A0.