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NOTICE OF FIRST READING: Zoning Amendment Bylaws


Pursuant to Section 467 of the Local Government Act, public notice is hereby given that the District of Ucluelet will consider first reading for the following Zoning Amendment Bylaws at a Regular Council Meeting held both electronically via the Zoom platform and in-person in the George Fraser Community Room at the Ucluelet Community Centre, 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C., on June 11, 2024, commencing at 4:00pm. Members of the public may attend the George Fraser Community Room to hear, or watch and hear, the meeting, including any electronic participation.

The Local Government Act prohibits Council from holding Public Hearings on these Bylaws.

District of Ucluelet Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1341, 2024


Application Number: RZ24.05

Applicant: Weyerhaeuser Co. Ltd.

Location: lands northeast of Marine Drive and Cynamocka Road intersection

Legal Description: PID 026-784-297, Lot A, Plan VIP81555, District Lot 283, Clayoquot Land District, Except Plan VIP84686 and portions of PID 025-635-742, Lot 4, District Lots 285, 286 and 473, Clayoquot Land District Except Plan VIP80031

Purpose: In general terms, the purpose of this Bylaw is to amend District of Ucluelet Zoning Bylaw No. 1160, 2013 to reflect the redesigned subdivision of the OceanWest Phase 5 development. The redesign was prompted by Provincial Government involvement due to environmental considerations. In response, the amended application alters lot size, distribution of lot sizes, and lot locations within the comprehensive development 5C zone (CD-5C) to create smaller lots and avoid encroachment in wetland areas.

District of Ucluelet Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1345, 2024

In general terms, the purpose of this Bylaw is to amend the District of Ucluelet Zoning Bylaw No. 1160, 2013, to introduce a new single-family residential zone (R-1H) intended for traditional low-density single-family residential development, with accessory residential uses and no short-term vacation rentals. Notably, the R-1H zone would not permit Bed and Breakfast operations as a secondary use. This zone may be considered for future development projects and rezoning applications. Key changes in the R-1H zone compared to current R-1 regulations are intended to align with the Provincial Policy Manual and Site Standards for Small- Scale Multi-Unit Housing and include:

- An increased maximum height of 11 metres for principal buildings

- An increased maximum height of 8 metres for accessory dwelling units (ADUs)

- A reduced front setback requirement of 6 metres for both principal buildings and ADUs

- A reduced side yard setback of 1.2 metres for ADUs

District of Ucluelet Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 1346, 2024

In general terms, the purpose of this Bylawis to amend the District of Ucluelet Zoning Bylaw No. 1160, 2013, and bring it into alignment with sections 481.3 and 582.1 of the Local Government Act, which require municipalities to amend their zoning regulations to the Provincial Policy Manual and Site Standards for the provision of Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing. The Local Government Act now requires municipalities to allow secondary suites or accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in all single-family zones to increase housing supply, create more diverse housing choices, and over time, contribute to more affordable housing. Because the residential zones in Ucluelet generally already allow a secondary suite and/or an accessory dwelling unit, the changes driven by this policy direction of the province are minor. Key proposed changes include amendments to:

- Subsection 408.1 (10) to eliminate the 3-metre setback requirement for ADUs

- Subsection 408.2 to permit an increase in the maximum height for ADUs to 8 metres

- Subsection 505.1 to reduce the required parking for a Duplex Dwelling to one per unit, as well as reduce the required parking for Single-Family Dwellings in instances where a Secondary Suite and/or ADU occur to one per unit

- Subsection R-6.1.1 (2) to allow either a secondary suite or an ADU for lots under 480m2 in area in the R-6 zone

Attend in-person, by telephone or using Zoom online:

Attend in-person

George Fraser Community Room in the Ucluelet Community Centre, 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C.

Attend by Zoom or telephone

Login details required to attend by Zoom, or telephone through the Zoom platform, are available at Council Meetings are also live streamed on the District of Ucluelet’s YouTube Channel.

For more information on how to attend this meeting visit the District of Ucluelet Office or contact the Corporate Services Department at 250-726-7744.

Review related materials:

Copies of the proposed Bylaws and related staff reports may be inspected at the District of Ucluelet office at 200 Main Street from the date of this notice, until the Council Meeting, during regular office hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. excluding statutory holidays) and online at

Questions? Contact the District of Ucluelet Planning Department at 250-726-7744 or

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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