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Public Notices

Special Committee of the Whole Meeting

Special Committee of the Whole Meeting



Pursuant to section 26 of the Community Charter, notice is hereby given that the District of Tofino intends to grant an easement covering approximately 0.109 hectares of those portions of Mackenzie Beach Road to the Owner of the land at 1101 Pacific Rim Highway, legally described as PID 027-266-672, Lot A District Lots 126 and 127 Clayoquot District Plan VIP83843.
Public Notice: Temporary Use Permits

Public Notice: Temporary Use Permits

Pursuant to Section 494 of the Local Government Act, public notice is hereby given that the District of Ucluelet will consider the following Temporary Use Permit applications at a Special Council Meeting in the George Fraser Room at the Ucluelet Community Centre, 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C. , on May 16, 2023 , commencing at 5:00 p.m.
Public Hearing Notice: Temporary Use Permits

Public Hearing Notice: Temporary Use Permits

Pursuant to Section 494 of the Local Government Act, public notice is hereby given that the District of Ucluelet will consider the following Temporary Use Permit applications at a Special Council Meeting in the George Fraser Room at the Ucluelet Community Centre, 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C. , on May 16, 2023 , commencing at 5:00 p.m .
Public Hearing Notice: Zoning Amendment Bylaws & Temporary Use Permit

Public Hearing Notice: Zoning Amendment Bylaws & Temporary Use Permit

Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 464 and 466 of the Local Government Act that Public Hearings will be held on the following proposed Bylaws during a Special Council Meeting at the George Fraser Room in the Ucluelet Community Centre, 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C., May 16, 2023, commencing at 5:00 pm .
Public Notice: Temporary Use Permit

Public Notice: Temporary Use Permit

Pursuant to Section 494 of the Local Government Act, public notice is hereby given that the District of Ucluelet will consider two Temporary Use Permits at a regular meeting of Council held at the Ucluelet Community Centre, located at 500 Matterson Drive, Ucluelet B.C., on April 26, 2022, commencing at 4:00 p.m.
Notice of Disposition of Land

Notice of Disposition of Land

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Sort’nGo -Live Simpler. Sort Smarter

Sort’nGo -Live Simpler. Sort Smarter

Celebrating Our Success
Around The Region - Free Movie Night

Around The Region - Free Movie Night

Join us for this free movie night!
Disposition of Land

Disposition of Land

Office Lease located at 500 Matterson Drive