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Cardboard ban proposed at West Coast Landfill

Cardboard ban proposed at West Coast Landfill

“Right now, there is no deterrent to take that material out.”
Cancer victim to die on his terms

Cancer victim to die on his terms

Deep Bay man to undergo Death with Dignity procedure May 30
Exclusive: Lieutenant-governor speaks for first time about minority government (with video)

Exclusive: Lieutenant-governor speaks for first time about minority government (with video)

Judith Guichon could be asked to decide fate of province if Premier can’t win support of Greens.
Kids fight off suspected camper thieves in Tofino

Kids fight off suspected camper thieves in Tofino

“A struggle ensued and these kids, considering their age, courageously fought these guys off.”
Tofino launches Stage 1 water restrictions

Tofino launches Stage 1 water restrictions

“There’s nothing right now that tells me that Stage 2 is imminent or near.”
Tofino locals organize massive cleanup of Clayoquot Sound

Tofino locals organize massive cleanup of Clayoquot Sound

“It’s beyond the critical stage now.”
Tofino Ambassador Program underway

Tofino Ambassador Program underway

Classes are free and open to all local residents, seasonal staff and newcomers.
One in three Canadian high school students have rode with drinking drivers, study reveals

One in three Canadian high school students have rode with drinking drivers, study reveals

Nearly one in five rode with a driver who’d been smoking pot
Fraser responds to Ucluelet’s communication concerns

Fraser responds to Ucluelet’s communication concerns

“I don’t force myself on anyone.”
Wild Kingdom: Eagles fend off crows

Wild Kingdom: Eagles fend off crows

Photographer captures wildlife interaction in Greater Victoria.