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Abbotsford Airshow: Heroes of the Skies

Abbotsford Airshow: Heroes of the Skies

The Abbotsford International Airshow takes place Aug. 12-14 and includes US Navy Super Hornets and the Breitling Jet Team
Ucluelet set for outdoor movie on Thursday

Ucluelet set for outdoor movie on Thursday

Black Rock Resort to host ‘Goonies’ under the stars at Tugwell Fields.
Local hero heralded for coastal commitment in Tofino

Local hero heralded for coastal commitment in Tofino

Barry Campbell receives Tofino Volunteer Recognition Award for his work tackling invasive species.
Community carving classes connect in Tofino

Community carving classes connect in Tofino

A former source of shade is now a source of creative inspiration.
Paramedics cheered in Tofino and Ucluelet

Paramedics cheered in Tofino and Ucluelet

The West Coast celebrated local lifesavers during B.C.’s Paramedic Services Week last month.
We want your best photos

We want your best photos

Your BC 'Best Shot' photo contest is now underway. Check out our top 3 photo tips. Entry deadline July 4th 2016
Miss BC: People's choice award closes June 29th

Miss BC: People's choice award closes June 29th

Miss BC, Miss Teen BC and Mrs. BC Pageant takes place July 1 to 3 at the Chief Sepass Theatre in Fort Langley
Ucluelet Secondary School graduates set to celebrate

Ucluelet Secondary School graduates set to celebrate

School will host graduation ceremony on Saturday, June 11 at 2 p.m.
Volunteers clear Florencia Bay

Volunteers clear Florencia Bay

Derelict vessel investigation prompts emergency cleanup response.
St. Aidan’s congregation alive and thriving in Ucluelet

St. Aidan’s congregation alive and thriving in Ucluelet

No church, no problem for local congregation and Reverend Will Ferrey