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Supporting communities

As the region's community foundation, the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust in the lucky position of being able to work closely with all of the communities with the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere

Reserve Region and with the many community organizations that make this such as wonderful place to live, work, play, and visit. The CBT helps community groups with funding, but we also support their work in other ways. Over the past few years, for instance, we've held workshops on board governance and grant writing, have supported regional initiatives like Leadership Vancouver Island and conversations around formalizing a regional education economy, and have been working to build our library and archives into a valuable community resource. If you've never quite understood what the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust is and what we do, then don't hesitate to stop by our office or give us a call. Our door is always open and we're happy to explain how our work supports the vision and mission originally crafted by all of the communities of the region when the Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve was designated in 2000.

Like many of the organizations in the region, the CBT relies on the work of volunteers. Our board of directors has 10 primary directors, 10 alternate directors, and non-voting advisors from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Parks Canada, the

Province of BC, and Environment Canada. As well, over 40 community volunteers sit on our advisory committees who review funding applications and make their recommendations to the board. Through the work of our volunteers, we strive to support the region in ways that are inclusive, innovative and forward-thinking.

Over the next while we'll be a regular contributor to the Westerly News Local Voices column. We'd like to showcase the work of local organizations and demonstrate ways in which volunteerism, community partnerships, and philanthropy are strengthening our communities. If you have ideas of people or projects to cover, please get in touch.

Adrienne Mason is the Research Coordinator at the Clayoquot Biosphere Trust.